Spending money is lots of fun, but earning it usually requires you to work, to do tasks and take up a lot of your time. But what if there were ways to have fun and make money at the same time? It is possible you know. So, what are the best ways to do it?
Play FIFA Online
There are many ways you can make money by playing online games, and FIFA is one of them. If you’re a really good player, then playing in tournaments and winning can get you some serious cash. The winner of the FIFA eWorld Cup at the O2 Arena in London bagged £191,000 from that tournament alone. However, he is nowhere near the richest of FIFA players out there. It’s the FIFA YouTubers and Twitch streamers who are killing it. There are other routes to go down too, such as earning real-world money by selling your Ultimate Team coins on the FIFA black market. These are websites out there where you can buy Fifa 21 Coins to add to your FIFA account as well as websites where you can sell coins.
Start A Youtube Channel
The things people watch on Youtube these days are amazing – it really doesn’t matter what you do. People make money from videos of them opening boxes, playing games and even cleaning. Whatever it is you like to do, why not give it a try, you never know what will come of it. Have a look for some inspiration online and see who’s doing well from Youtube videos. You might then see a gap in the market or something you could be doing far better.
If you like writing then blogging can be a great way to earn a living. While it can take time to build up an audience and make some money, it is possible, and there’s loads of advice on how to do it out there. The great thing about blogging is that you can do it about anything too and it can be really therapeutic for you.
Play Trivia
Are you good at trivia? Love to do a pub quiz? Well, you can win real money by playing trivia online. Head over to Swagbucks Live, which is free-to-play with the downloaded app, and you can win cash for simply playing a game. If you get all the questions right, you can win a grand prize.
Watch Videos From Your Phone
Are you someone who spends hours on your phone watching video after video and before you realize it, it’s the early hours of the morning? Well what if your time wasn’t wasted and you could make some money off it? Well, you can. Again, on Swagbucks you can earn cash for performing minor tasks and one of those is watching videos. There are loads of categories to choose from, so you’ll easily find one you like, then start watching videos from the comfort of your home, on your smartphone and make a load of cash at the same time!