
Strapped For Cash? Here Are Some Solutions

Are you struggling for money right now? Maybe you’re not too worse for wear in the financial department, but you could definitely use a little bit of extra cash, right? Who doesn’t in this economy, and the only way to get the money that you need is to figure out a plan. There are a range of different options that you can consider here, it’s just a case of finding which one, or which ones work best for you. 

The good news is that if you can’t really come up with any right now, you’re not alone in that. Many people struggle to come up with new ideas, but that’s what we’re going to be looking at today. In this article, we’re going to be discussing some of your options, so keep reading down below if you want to know more!

Photo by Photo Source: Kaboompics.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-in-white-long-sleeves-taking-photos-of-a-handbag-5717978/

Sell your old items

The first option that we’ve got for you is to sell some of your old items. We’re not talking about the ones that you still use or that you have some kind of attachment to, obviously. We’re talking about the ones that you no longer want or need, and are simply taking up space in your home for no reason other than that you’re too lazy to throw them away. It happens to the best of us, but now you might be in a position to benefit from this.

As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You could set up a platform where you are taking pictures of the things that you’re not using anymore and offer them to someone else. There are loads of apps and websites that let you do this, and you can make some decent money. For example, if you have an old phone that still works, you can sell your phone to a business who refurbishes them, or someone who uses the pieces for parts. Or, if you have a whole bunch of old clothes that you don’t wear anymore for whatever reason, someone else might be looking for what you’ve got. It’s worth a shot at the very least. 

Freelance Work

Have you ever thought about doing some freelance work? It doesn’t necessarily have to be in the industry that you’re in for your day job, as long as you have the right credentials to be offering a service. Or, at the very least, you can prove that you are able to offer it. 

Things like this are great for you to make some money on the side when you need it, and you don’t have to offer these services when you don’t. You can complete them whenever you have the time, and you don’t have a boss getting up your backside. As long as you complete your work in a timely manner and by the deadline that you set, you should be all good! Of course, reviews are really going to help you make this happen, so encourage the people you work for on a freelance basis to leave one for you. 

Start A Blog

In the same kind of vein, you could consider starting a blog. It’s going to take some time to build your blog up to a point where you can make some money from it, but it is possible if you put your mind to it and dedicate yourself. You’ll need to post regularly, engage with people in the comment section, and generally have fun with it. But, you’re also going to need to keep an eye on what posts are being read and have positive notes, as well as which ones don’t.

Yes, it’s your blog and you should be able to post whatever you want. But, you also need to make sure that you’re posting things that people want to read. If you’re not getting views and interactions, then you’re not going to be paid for what you’re posting. That’s something to think about and keep in mind as much as you can if this is a path you want to go down.

Log More Hours At Work

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-teacup-infront-of-laptop-on-top-of-table-inside-the-room-925786/

If you have the opportunity to pick up some overtime and you are able to do it, don’t pass it up. If you have other commitments that you cannot change, if you’re approaching burnout, or if there is another genuine reason you can’t, then there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, if you need the extra cash and it’s completely possible for you to do the overtime, then why wouldn’t you? It’s worth the extra time that you have to spend at work for the extra money that you’re going to get. Also, keep in mind that in most companies, overtime is paid at a higher rate. We are completely aware that this one is not an option for everyone so don’t jump on the defense straight away; but some people could try saving a little better. This doesn’t really erase the need for some more money, but it does make the need a little less urgent.

Try Saving A Little Better

You don’t need to stress about getting this money asap because you have some savings behind you to tide you over for a little while. Of course, you don’t want to deplete all of your savings, but they’re there if you do need them.

In order to save better, you need to plan a little better. Take some time to write out your budget so that you know where you are at all times. Make sure that all of your bills are included here, and then ensure that you’re taking time to update this as and when necessary. We understand that all the budgeting in the world couldn’t stretch some people’s money far enough, but we’re not talking about you. We’re talking about people who just blow the excess money they do have, and leave themselves in a tricky situation. Think ahead, plan ahead, and you will be better off for it. 

Downsize Your Life

The final thing that we’re going to be talking about is downsizing your life. This is not the solution that anyone wants to hear, and it is more often than not the last ditch solution that people will use. But it’s a solution and one we’re going to have to look at. If you’re finding yourself strapped for cash, it could be possible that this is because of your lifestyle. 

It’s a good plan to, even temporarily, try to downsize your life. Roll back on the big spending and just try to get the essentials for a little while until you’re in a better place financially. We’re not saying that you can’t treat yourself to something nice every now and then, but maybe just tone it down a little. It’s not going to be the end of the world, and your finances will certainly thank you for it. It’s doable if you want it to be.

At the end of the day, if you’re strapped for cash then there are so many options for you. They might not all be doable in your current situation, and some might not work out properly, but you’ve got to try. Eventually you will figure out what you’re doing and what method of making a little more money works for you, and then you can go from there. Try out all of the options on the list, but take comfort in the fact that there are even more where they came from if you need them. 

How to Make Your Money Work Harder

If you have spare cash that you want to invest or have inherited a large sum of money, you may be wondering what to do next. Deciding on the best place to keep your money can be a tricky decision to make. Not doing anything with the money and letting it remain where it is can be tempting, but you may decide that you want to make the money work hard and try to maximize it. Investing money is something that requires careful consideration, so you must explore your options before coming to a final decision. 

How to Make Your Money Work Harder - word dice on a newspaper image - profit, loss and risk
Image Pixabay CC0 License

There are many different ways to invest, but finding the right one for you requires some thought. You will need to think about how risk-averse you are, as well as considering whether you want to be able to access the money if you suddenly need it. Riskier investments typically have the potential to bring bigger returns, but the chance of losing your money is also higher. Low-risk investments will offer smaller returns, but mean you are less likely to lose your money. Here are some of the options to consider when deciding where to invest:


Putting your money into savings is the least risky option, but also potentially brings the lowest rewards. If you prefer to know that your money is safe, and are happy to forgo significant returns in favor of security, moving your money into a savings account could be the right option for you. It is crucial to note that not all savings accounts are the same, there are many available all offering different interest rates, so make sure that you shop around to find the best one for your needs with the highest levels of interest.


Property has always been seen as a solid investment, but it does bring its risks. In uncertain economic times, property values can fluctuate wildly, and you may have to keep hold of your investment for a long time before you can reap the rewards. Keeping the property as a longterm investment is fine if you plan to rent it out. However, you may decide to renovate and then flip a property to realize a profit, but this does require careful monitoring of the local property market, to ensure that you don’t make a loss. 


Cryptocurrency may have been around since 2009, but it is still a relatively new kid on the block. Many people believe that crypto is the currency of the future, but it is vital to do your research before investing. 

If you plan to start investing in blockchain, you may find it easier to use a buying and selling platform that specializes in cryptocurrency, such as https://bitit.io/buy/ripple-xrp


Stocks are a common form of investment and involve purchasing shares in a publicly-traded company. Investing in stocks means that you can make money if you sell your shares at a higher price than you paid for them, or lose money if the stock price falls.


Three Reasons For Teens to Start Saving

It’s so easy to waste money, even more so when you’re young and are yet to learn the real value of it. But starting young is the key to setting yourself up for success later on, and if you have kids or teens, here are just three reasons it’s worth them saving what they can. It could be money from birthdays and Christmas, pocket money or part time jobs.

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College and university is expensive, and chances are they’ll need to utilise loans and perhaps help from you to pay for things like books, fees and accommodation. But saving up towards education is no bad thing, and if they start a couple of years before they leave they’ll go away with a nice buffer. This can make it easier to afford travelling around the city they’re in, food, socialising and other daily living costs. When teens move away to university, it’s often the first time they’ll get a proper taste of independence, they’ll be managing their own money for the first time. Being equipped with some of their own money can make the process run much more smoothly, and if it’s cash they’ve saved themselves they’re likely to be that bit more careful with it as well.

A car and driving lessons

Being able to drive gives so much independence, and it’s this which teens and young people really crave. Learning to drive, theory tests, practical tests and other extras can really add up, not to mention the purchase and running costs of a car. Saving up before they’re old enough to drive means that once they reach the legal driving age they can book some lessons right away. Or once they pass, they can get themselves a car. Even if they can’t cover these costs completely and you need to foot the rest, it can make things easier for you and using their own savings means they’ll appreciate it more. Being able to drive can also open up the door to more jobs, those that are further away or those that require driving. It could even lead to setting up their own business. You can find finance deals for vans on sites like The Good Van Company so you don’t even need all of the money upfront.

Deposit for a house

Getting onto the property ladder is so worthwhile. Once you move out and start renting, it’s easy to remain stuck in the ‘renting trap.’ You can’t save much money for a deposit as all of your money is being spent on rent and bills. Once they’re working full time but before they move out of the parental home, it’s worth having a chat with teens and young adults about saving for a deposit. Living at home while they save means they’ll reach their goals much more quickly. When they do eventually move, it could be into something of their own rather than it going to a landlord every month.

All of these things can feel like a long way off when your child is in their early teens, but the years fly by. Anything they can save up now can all go towards a brighter future later on.


Back On Track: Reaching Your Financial Goals ASAP

It’s always a great time to reflect on your financial goals and choices to help decide what changes you’d like to make over the months ahead. So much in your life will be dictated by your financial situation, and your decisions will be significantly influenced by your income and expenses. Therefore, it’s always a smart idea to take charge of your money and get a thorough understanding of how you can improve them from month to month. Whether your financial goals are to do with owning property, cutting your interest rates, or finding a better deal on your monthly outgoings; there’s no time like the present to begin making necessary changes and improvements.

Sorting out your money, and having a clear idea of what your future holds will also give you peace of mind throughout the year, meaning that you’ll have a successful and productive time ahead to look forward to. The following are some ideas, inspiration, and advice for those who what to manage their income better and give their finances a boost so that they have more freedom and choice, and will enjoy a fruitful future where they can make their dreams a reality.

Back On Track: Reaching Your Financial Goals ASAP - strategy box image

Image source: 

It’s time To Start Saving

There are always excuses you can find not to save some money each day, week, or month. However, getting into good saving habits now will be something that you appreciate in the future. There is always a way to put a little (or a lot) aside and cut back on your expenses, so figure out how to do so as soon as possible. Open up a separate savings accounts, and begin making wise financial choices each month so that a portion of your income can automatically end up in your savings pot. If you’re unsure if you really need to buy something, don’t; utilise that cash in the future and put it away so that it can earn some money back for you in the months and years ahead. It’s always worth discussing your situation with your bank or a financial advisor so that you have a clear understanding of what you can achieve, and by when. You’ll have a stash of cash for that rainy day or an important deposit in the future which will be a great way to feel when you’re putting the money aside.

A Better Score

A good credit score can lead to all sorts of opportunities; it can affect your ability to successfully apply for a loan for something vital like a car, to being able to lease a variety of accommodation and rental properties. Therefore, it’s crucial to a happy and straightforward life that you check your credit score regularly. If you haven’t ever taken out any form of credit; this can be just as detrimental to your ability to apply for things as having a poor credit score. If you’re keen to increase your assets, improve your surroundings, or purchase something major; a great credit score could be the key to getting what you need and want, so don’t ignore it, or push it to one side for a later date. Check out ways to improve and better your score so that you’ll have less to worry about and more to look forward to. http://credit-n.ru/zaymyi.html