
How to start a dropshipping business in 3 steps

How to start a dropshipping business from scratch

Dropshipping is an excellent way to start business without having to worry about inventory or delivery. It allows businesspeople to get good profit without investing much time and money. Running a dropshipping business doesn’t need much efforts, while starting it is as easy as ABC.

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How does dropshipping business work?

Dropshipping business model is really simple.

Let’s see how it works:

  • You find a supplier, contact him and take pictures and descriptions of the products you want to dropship;
  • You post the chosen products on your own dropshipping website;
  • A customer goes on your website, gets interested in the products, orders some and pays for them;
  • You contact a supplier, place the same order as your customer and ask the supplier to deliver the order to your customer’s address;
  • The customer receives the package and the deal is completed.

In fact, you provide intermediary services between the clients and the suppliers and get money by marking up the supplier’s prices. A piece of cake, right?

What are the strengths of this type of business?

Before moving to how to start a dropshipping business, it’s necessary to study the main benefits of running your own dropshipping business.

  • Dropshipping is ideal for newcomers

Starting and running a dropshipping business is really simple even if you have no experience in ecommerce and Internet marketing. Most of the job is done by the supplier – inventory issues, stocking and shipping are not your concern.

  • You are free and independent

You can easily work from home or from any place you like – you don’t depend on a specific location. Thanks to the dropshipping you can achieve a lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

  • You save a huge sum of money

You don’t need to buy goods, rent warehouses or hire employees, so by starting dropshipping business your costs will be minimal.

How to start a dropshipping business?

If the process and the advantages of this type of ecommerce business are clear, it’s time to go through the main steps needed to start a dropshipping business. So how does dropshipping work?

Step 1: Choose a niche

If somebody told you that any niche you have chosen can bring you profit it’s a whopping lie. Without any knowledge and interest in the products you’re selling you will not make good in dropshipping business. Identify your own needs and wishes and starting out from them try to find products that could be interesting and helpful for other people.

If you still have some difficulties when choosing a niche, use the following tips:

  • Ask your family, friends and workmates what they are short of and pick up some ideas;
  • Check the lists of bestsellers on the most popular platforms like AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, etc.
  • Download and read some guides on how to find the most profitable niches.

Please note: do not choose a broad niche, because it will be a tough thing to understand your audience’s needs and make the right business decisions. The narrower the niche is, the more clients and orders you will get.

Step 2: Find suppliers

This is one of the most important decisions you’ll make, so do it wisely. Here is how.

First, if you know exactly what you want to sell, google for the suppliers, contact them and ask whether it’s possible to do dropshipping business with them. If they’re not interested in your collaboration offer, do not feel bad, because these things happen all the time. Just contact other suppliers and one day you will be in luck.

Secondly, you can turn attention to the big online stores like AliExpress, Amazon or eBay. On AliExpress, for example, all suppliers are verified, so that’s a real long shot to meet non-responsible manufactures.

Step 3: Choose a platform for dropshipping

To start a dropshipping business, you need a platform where your products will be placed.

You can use:

  • Established marketplaces

Platforms like Amazon or eBay allow users to create their own webstores within the website. These offers don’t guarantee you independence: you will have to pay lots of fees and build your store so that it suits specific requirements.

  • Blogs or social networks accounts

In general, blogs and social media are designed to connect like-minded people, but these days they are also used by entrepreneurs to run their e-commerce business. Unfortunately, they are not developed well enough to make payments or place orders, so they are inconvenient for buyers.

  • Personal dropshipping webstores

Having your own dropshipping website is probably the most convenient way of running an e-commerce business, because it has a range of significant benefits:

  • Higher level of client confidence;
  • Independence in business decision making;
  • Technical convenience.

Besides that, you can create a dropshipping website on your own or buy a turnkey solution from the dropshipping business professionals. It costs some money but saves your time.

Actually, these actions are enough to start a dropshipping business and make money. However, don’t relax, because the work is not finished. The next steps will be related to promoting a dropshipping website, attracting more people and maintaining relationships with your clients. Good luck!


Investing In Insurance Policies to Protect Your Family

Personal finances tends to be a subject that dominates the majority of parents’ thoughts. Why? Well, we’re inevitably going to be concerned with our income, whether it will meet necessary bill payments, whether it will be able to support our family’s lifestyle, and what luxuries it allows us to afford for our little ones. However, it’s important that we don’t simply dwell on the present when it comes to money matters. We have to think about the future too. Unfortunately, we can never be certain what the future holds for us and we need to be able to cover the costs of any negative situations that may arise. This is why it’s so important that we take out comprehensive insurance policies. These help to protect us against misfortune and secure our loved ones’ futures, even should the worst happen! So, to get you started on the right foot, here are just a couple of different types of insurance that you should seriously consider investing in.

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Photo Credit

Car Insurance

Now, if you have a family vehicle, insurance is a legal necessity. But many families do skimp out and simply grab the lowest cost cover available to them in a bid to save money. Sure, you should seek out low cost cover, but you need to make sure that it meets all of your needs too. So, use a site like http://www.cheapautoinsurance.co/ to input what you need from your cover and find the cheapest deals that meet your needs and requirements. Ideally, you should be protected against fire, weather, and vandalism, as well as on-the-road accidents.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a no-brainer if you have the money aside to pay the insurer. Saving makes sense, but solid life cover would more than benefit those around you when it’s your turn to depart. Money is such an important facet in this world and it’ll help those close to you deal with everything in this regard. Shop around and look for the best kind of cover that suits the situation you’re in – you’ll probably find something that is perfect if you look long enough.

Travel Insurance

Increasing numbers of us are spending longer periods of time abroad than ever before. Though prices may well increase during the school vacations (as travel agencies tend to exploit this being the prime time for families to get away), we are still able to take advantage of fast flights and low cost accommodation across the world. Now, we are all aware that we should invest in travel insurance before heading overseas. After all, we want to protect our belongings. However, travel insurance can also provide us with something more valuable – medical cover and transportation in worse case scenarios. Medical treatment overseas can cost a lot, with even minor procedures and treatments generating multiple figure bills. However, if something worse were to happen, chances are that you’d be given higher intensity treatment. If you were to pass, the bills for this would pass onto your family. Avoid this by ensuring that your medical cover on your travel insurance is extremely high. You should also take a look at policies that cover the cost of transporting a body home should disaster strike, and the worst happen.

Hopefully, this has helped you to start thinking about the different types of insurance policies that could greatly benefit your family in the long run. While it’s important that you ensure you are getting by at the moment, you should always bear the future in mind too! http://credit-n.ru/kreditnye-karty.html

Welcome to the Future: 7 Aspects of How Bitcoin Has Impacted the Global Economy

Bitcoin is one of the most popular type of cryptocurrencies to date, allowing two parties to share currency transactions digitally outside of the central banking system. Already, you may start to think of how and why Bitcoin can be beneficial on a general level; however, do you know just how influential it has been on the global economy? You can be the judge and decide for yourself if the following points are generally positive or negative.

Welcome to the Future: 7 Aspects of How Bitcoin Has Impacted the Global Economy - bitcoin coin photo image

Photo by David McBee from Pexels

Potential for a stock market crash

Bitcoin’s worth is currently over $100 billion. For now, investors are interested in the idea of investing in Bitcoin. However, word is going around that all things – even Bitcoin – must come down with time. If and when something happens to Bitcoin, some believe it could impact the stock market so severely enough to cause a major crash.

The latter point seems like a complete exaggeration, but the thing is, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been gaining popularity at a rapid rate – especially within this past year. That said, the larger it grows, the greater it can fall, making more significant of an effect on the market.

Replacement of fiat currency

Bitcoin is still in the growing process and is nowhere near as powerful and popular as fiat currency. Still, with Bitcoin being seen an alternative to fiat currency, it has, many times, replaced such. But to say that Bitcoin is or will completely replace traditional currency is an overstatement at this rate.

For some, the idea of replacing fiat currency is viewed as a benefit as cryptocurrencies aren’t federally-operated. As a result, some believe Bitcoin has the power to essentially overtake central banking facilities’ control over the economy and ability to issue money – which may be a pro or a con depending on where you stand.

Bitcoin could also be a considered a benefit in that Bitcoins can be viewed as a national currency as different forms of cash can be exchanged.

An entry to the Dark Web

Because Bitcoin transactions are virtually anonymous and ambiguous, money can be transferred secretly. In turn, there can be a plethora of illegal transactions and trading of different currencies from country to country quickly and effortlessly.

But using the Dark Web for monetary exchange can also be a great in the sense that many countries around the world have distrustful central banking systems, leaving Bitcoin the more trustworthy and safer option in some cases, especially when it comes to corruption.

Easier avoidance of income tax

Because Bitcoin does not display the names of parties making transactions via its system, this means Bitcoin will surely attract dishonest individuals who refuse to file annual income taxes on money obtained through the platform. Plenty of financial secrets can be kept due to the anonymous structure of Bitcoin.

Making it even easier to avoid the responsibility of filing income tax, Bitcoin holders can receive their money online and quickly buy other things online (which is common as Bitcoin valuation rates fluctuate drastically), making it seem as if there is no need to report such income as it can be easy come, easy go.

Additionally, the confusion with how to report Bitcoins as income tax alone is stopping many from paying their taxes, even though there are many resources online instructing one how to file Bitcoin taxes or even accounting services for such.

Sales of illegal items

Here we are again with the ambiguity of Bitcoin. Not only are names kept private as we discussed, but what people sell or trade with others in exchange for Bitcoins can also be secretive. This means items can be illegally bartered from firearms to underaged or illegal sales of drugs.

For illegal products or services sold with Bitcoins, people can get away easier than if they paid with fiat currency due to the secrecy tied to Bitcoin.

Increase in scams, payment fraud, and identity theft

Also due to the subtle transactions able to be made with Bitcoin, it’s also clear to see that there would be an increase in scams from this source. Individuals can be harder to track down, making them believe they can get away with taking people’s money and running.

Even though individuals’ addresses are posted publicly when a Bitcoin transaction is made, there’s still significant privacy involved that make it significantly easier to scam and get away with it.

Considering that Bitcoin is apart of the Dark Web, a dangerous place, there is also potential for a greater risk of theft and fraud and no guarantee for protection.

New ways of purchasing products and services

With Bitcoins in the picture, some businesses have begun to accept them from customers as a form of payment, allowing for greater versatility in the market.

If those businesses report Bitcoin transactions as personal income tax, there would be a positive effect on the economy considering that with more types of currency accepted, the more consumers that can take part in putting more money back into the economy.

However, for the businesses that don’t report their Bitcoin earnings, this would clearly have a negative impact on the economy.

But considering that even larger retailers such as Overstock.com have jumped on the Bitcoin bandwagon, it’s believed that the opportunity to shop online more frequently with Bitcoin can do good things for the global economy.

Being a newer form of currency, Stanford does make a good point that one disadvantage to Bitcoin is that it is seldomly accepted among online merchants at this time – but it is making progress. As it gains further stability, security, and buyer protection, Bitcoin will even have greater potential.


Bitcoin has had an impact on the economy world-wide. It has benefits for many, but nevertheless, it isn’t without its cons. Bitcoin may not be replacing central banks anytime soon, but it has had considerable power in our world today despite only being around for since 2008. As it grows larger, we expect it to make an even larger impact on our world’s economy. http://credit-n.ru/debitovaya-karta.html

Discover Offers Employees Help With College Tuition

Discover employees have just received a new benefit: a free college degree. The financial services company recently announced its new program, The Discover College Commitment, enabling full-time and part-time U.S. employees (minimum 30 hours per week) to obtain a college degree by helping them pay for college.

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Discover will help with college tuition by covering full employee costs for books, fees, supplies, and tuition for the program. Workers are eligible for it beginning on the first day of employment and can complete their degrees on their own timeline.

Around 99 percent of Discover’s 16,500 employees will qualify with some potential appeal coming from its 7,000-plus U.S. call center workers: 70 percent don’t have a college degree, CBS News reported.

Workers can pick one of seven business or computer science degrees from three selected online universities. The degrees will include four business majors or a computer science, cybersecurity and organizational management emphasis through Brandman University, the University of Florida (via UF Online), or Wilmington University.

But there’s more to the benefit as it is also about Discover’s employee retention. The company said it has a two-fold motivation behind this perk: helping to recruit and retain good employees and “doing the right thing” by preparing workers for a broad spectrum of internal or external career opportunities.

To administer the program, Discover is partnering with Guild Education, an online education and tuition reimbursement platform that assists large employers with education benefits. Guild will offer coaching to Discover workers by assisting them through the application process and helping them determine a suitable degree.

If Guild sounds familiar, it might be from Walmart’s May employee education announcement. Guild is undertaking a similar role for the large retailer. This comes as offering education benefits to employees has been rising as the competition to obtain good workers is increasing.

More Companies Offering Education Benefits

In 2018, numerous companies have expanded tuition benefits. Besides Walmart, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and some hotel chains have joined the party, reported CNN. Also this year, Lowe’s announced a contribution of up to $2,500 for employees to receive skilled trade education while Lyft began offering education discounts to its drivers last December.

This trend comes as a recent Harvard Business School study found that tuition assistance benefits rank high on workers’ desired benefits, surpassing child-care assistance and parental leave. Many companies offer up to $5,250 annually; anything higher can be taxed as income.

Sourced from Debbie Baratz originally published at https://lendedu.com/news/discover-offers-employees-help-with-college-tuition/ http://credit-n.ru/potreb-kredit.html

Back On Track: Reaching Your Financial Goals ASAP

It’s always a great time to reflect on your financial goals and choices to help decide what changes you’d like to make over the months ahead. So much in your life will be dictated by your financial situation, and your decisions will be significantly influenced by your income and expenses. Therefore, it’s always a smart idea to take charge of your money and get a thorough understanding of how you can improve them from month to month. Whether your financial goals are to do with owning property, cutting your interest rates, or finding a better deal on your monthly outgoings; there’s no time like the present to begin making necessary changes and improvements.

Sorting out your money, and having a clear idea of what your future holds will also give you peace of mind throughout the year, meaning that you’ll have a successful and productive time ahead to look forward to. The following are some ideas, inspiration, and advice for those who what to manage their income better and give their finances a boost so that they have more freedom and choice, and will enjoy a fruitful future where they can make their dreams a reality.

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Image source: 

It’s time To Start Saving

There are always excuses you can find not to save some money each day, week, or month. However, getting into good saving habits now will be something that you appreciate in the future. There is always a way to put a little (or a lot) aside and cut back on your expenses, so figure out how to do so as soon as possible. Open up a separate savings accounts, and begin making wise financial choices each month so that a portion of your income can automatically end up in your savings pot. If you’re unsure if you really need to buy something, don’t; utilise that cash in the future and put it away so that it can earn some money back for you in the months and years ahead. It’s always worth discussing your situation with your bank or a financial advisor so that you have a clear understanding of what you can achieve, and by when. You’ll have a stash of cash for that rainy day or an important deposit in the future which will be a great way to feel when you’re putting the money aside.

A Better Score

A good credit score can lead to all sorts of opportunities; it can affect your ability to successfully apply for a loan for something vital like a car, to being able to lease a variety of accommodation and rental properties. Therefore, it’s crucial to a happy and straightforward life that you check your credit score regularly. If you haven’t ever taken out any form of credit; this can be just as detrimental to your ability to apply for things as having a poor credit score. If you’re keen to increase your assets, improve your surroundings, or purchase something major; a great credit score could be the key to getting what you need and want, so don’t ignore it, or push it to one side for a later date. Check out ways to improve and better your score so that you’ll have less to worry about and more to look forward to. http://credit-n.ru/zaymyi.html