
7 Tips for Job Searching

If you are hunting for a new job at the moment you may be forgiven for feeling a little downhearted at the process. With many more applicants than vacancies it can be a tough and challenging process. Here are a few tips to help you in your job search.

Job search tip 1. Look at the upside – a new job can be the gateway into a whole new life. You may be changing location, improving your income and making a whole new bunch of friends. It may be the catalyst to exercise more, change your lifestyle and renew your outlook on life. So don’t think of applications as a chore, instead see them as a ticket to something new and exciting, with much better odds of success than any lottery.

Job search tip 2. Don’t take it personally – if you are unsuccessful, recruiters are not rejecting you as an individual. Most likely they have never met you or never will. It’s more constructive to think that someone else was better suited and move on. It can be a numbers game, the more applications you make, the more likely you are to be successful.

Job search tip 3. Treat each application as brand new. The recruiter doesn’t need to know that this is the thirty fifth application you have made this month. Approach each one as a new opportunity with enthusiasm and positive energy. Someone will be successful and it’s most likely that they will be enthusiastic as well as qualified for the position.

Job search tip 4. Get in state. Are you trying to write at the kitchen table surrounded by noise and distractions? Find a place where you won’t be disturbed, and perhaps play some quite background music. Then get excited about the opportunity, imagine yourself in the role and say to yourself or out loud – I can do this, I can get this job! Then complete your application in one sitting if you can. Leave it a while then return to edit and polish it up.

Job search tip 5. Give yourself the best chance. I recently heard of a part time book keeper’s job which attracted over 2000 applicants. The employer was a small firm and did not have the manpower to deal with that level of applicants. The first cut was made with anyone who made a spelling or basic grammar error. These may have been typos or mistakes resulting from a lack of care yet disqualified over 50% of applicants at the first stage. Make sure you give yourself the best chance by checking and double checking your application for errors.

Job search tip 6. Don’t sell yourself short. Typically the better paid the job, the fewer the applicants. People discount themselves by sticking to what they think they are worth or just below. As time passes there is a tendency to apply for less well-paid jobs until you are competing at minimum wage. Then ironically, you may be unsuccessful for being over qualified.

Job search tip 7. Never give up, never give up. At times finding a new job can seem like a long and hopeless task. Don’t fall into this trap, instead stay positive and optimistic. There are new ways of using your social media networks as well as other groups to tap into opportunities. Have you put the word out that you are available for something new? Each day brings a fresh start and with optimism and perseverance good times are just around the corner.

Good luck and please share your successes with others in our community by leaving a comment below:

How to make your kids into good financial managers

How to make your kids into good financial managers

These days, kids are getting into debt early. We’ve all heard the stories about students racking up thousands of dollars worth of debt and this can start even earlier when kids are in their teens. With credit card companies offering sweet deals as soon as kids are old enough to sign, it’s no surprise that so many are ending up in debt. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As parents we can do our part to teach children financial responsibility from a very young age. Here are some tips.

Get them a piggy bank

If kids are old enough to get money, then they are old enough to start saving. Get your kids a piggy bank so that they can start saving up the spare change they get from you, the presents from grandma and any cash that comes their way. Encourage them to put most of the money in the piggy bank and leave it there. That gets them started with the habit of saving money. After a while though, the piggy bank will get full and that’s when you move to the next stage.

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Get them a bank account

Your child is never too young to have a bank account even if you have to take responsibility for it at the start. You can make it into a big event to empty the piggy bank every so often, count up the money and deposit it in a bank account. Your child will enjoy seeing the bank balance grow even if he or she has no idea what to do with it yet.

The saving habit

Kids always want stuff so encourage them to take some financial responsibility. When they get money they can allocate some of it towards buying a treasured purchase, as long as they save most of it. Some parents use the matched funding method, where if a child is able to save half the purchase price the parent will pay the rest. This works well for younger kids with less earning potential.

The earning habit

Encourage your kids to do odd jobs to earn pocket money or boost their savings for a planned purchase. Having to earn the money themselves will give them a greater appreciation of what it takes to get it and they are less likely to fritter it away. This is one rule that you may want to apply with care because you have to make the distinction between the jobs that are regular household responsibilities and those which have earning potential.

Take them shopping

There’s nothing to teach your kids the value of money then taking them shopping with you so they can see exactly how much the products you buy cost. This also helps them to compare the relative costs of different brands so when they are older and go out on their own they won’t get a nasty shock. It’s also worth letting them see you comparison shop for household utilities. Let them celebrate with you when you get a cheap broadband deal or save money on electricity.

Encourage financial caution

This is one area where you can lead by example. Let your kids see that where possible you spend no more than you earn. Where you do need to buy something on credit you don’t spend excessively and you do repay it as soon as possible to avoid racking up high interest charges. Letting your kids understand the thinking behind your own money management practices is the best way to help them avoid a future debt trap.

 Celebrate entrepreneurship

There’s more to managing money than simply avoiding debt. Sometimes you have to find innovative ways of making money. So when your kids want to set up a lemonade stand or start a vegetable delivery business, help them to plan and achieve it. However it turns out, they will learn a lot from the experience which will help them manage money well throughout their lives.

Build skills gradually

When children get used to having a savings account, let them move to a checking account once they are old enough. Also consider a debit card or prepaid debit card before allowing them to have a credit card. If you are going to give your kid a credit card then explain how credit works, how interest works and why they need to pay on time. Backed by the other lessons you have given them they will soon be adept at managing their own money.